Season Three of Beauty and the BS with Dr. Peter Grossman is Coming Soon!

Achieving Balance: A Conversation with Dr. Daria Hamrah on Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

Dr. Daria Hamrah, an immigrant to the United States and rhinoplasty specialist, must navigate the obstacles of establishing herself professionally while inspiring others to pursue their dreams, all while mastering the art of balancing aesthetics and function in ethnic rhinoplasties.

"I always tell to people that are looking up to me and asking me how many years I've been spending or I went to school for and how hard it was I said, look, you're passionate about something. You have a mission. It's not about the years, it's about the journey. So I would do it over again and I just enjoyed the journey and that's why I'm so passionate about what I'm doing."

Dr. Daria Hamrah is a board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon and a facial cosmetics specialist. He has been practicing for over 15 years and specializes in cosmetic surgery and facial reconstruction.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

How can photography, light reflections, and shadows be used to design a nose that a patient will love?
What is the importance of communication and trust when it comes to setting expectations in rhinoplasty?
How can plastic surgeons best prepare for mixed ethnicities in rhinoplasty?